The study of Nehemiah


The genre of this book is a historical narrative. The theme of this book is God has made a covenant of unfailing love with those who love him and obey his commands. This book is about a servant of God Nehemiah, that through dependence on God, faith and prayer he was able to glorify Gods kingdom. This book continues the narrative of Israel’s return from the Babylonian captivity and the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. This book begins with a man named Nehemiah that was a Hebrew in Persia. Nehemiah brought his anxiety to God about the fact that the new temple that was in Jerusalem did not have a wall around it to protect it. Nehemiah told God to use him in any way that he could to help with this problem. God soften the heart of the king of Persia and he gave the supplies to Nehemiah to build the wall, and sent him to Jerusalem to govern over the project. When Nehemiah arrives at the city of Jerusalem he encounters a lot of opposition from some of the inhabitants. Nehemiah prayed passionately for the people, through this prayer the people of Jerusalem gave money and manpower to complete the wall in 52 days. The wall is built despite great opposition in record time. When the job is complete Nehemiah leaves and returns 12 years later to find that the temple wall is strong but the people are weak in their Christian walk. Nehemiah set to the task upon his return to teach the people about God, through prayer reading Gods word and obeying his laws. Through prayer and belief he started a revival of worship in the people of Israel.

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