The study of Job facing the trials of life

I found the reading of job difficult but very rewarding. I found it very interesting that God allowed Satan into Job’s life but, he protected his life so that he could restore him. I think how many times I have allowed Satan into my own life by my very actions and at other times no fault of my own. God has always brought me to a greater understanding of my journey while I walk on this earth, and has blessed me ten fold. I also enjoyed this reading because it shows that even if one looses everything family, friends possessions God himself is enough.

One of the greatest lesson I believe that can be taken from the book of job is that god is the giver and taker of all . That as Christians we are commanded to follow the rules that god has sat down before us. That even in the midst of great trials. They will come we must shun evil and we will remain under the protection of god.

(“Yet it was he who filled their houses with good things so I stand aloof from the counsel of the wicked.)

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