Yesterday I was able to get a great deal of yard work done. The weather was cool and blustery like a spring day. I was thinking as I was weeding the garden and cleaning the yard, how just a few months of neglect makes for allot of build up of trash, weeds in the yard and garden. These weeds are long and not so easy to pull. If I had spent just a little time out here during the down season this would not be such a large difficult chore. It made me think of my prayer life is this what happens when I neglect my time with the Lord ,does the weeds grow so fast it is difficult to pull them out.
I have started to make a effort not to drink soda to decrease my consumption of sugar and artificial sweeteners it has not been easy but I have been doing this slowly. We got netflix for one month for free and this is great movie night with my husband handicapp aunt. So we have been watching movies every night around here. We saw jumping Jack flash, Laural and Hearty and Jeff Dunham. It was a good day.

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