So tired

.I am just plain tired. I should not be so tired after working three twelves. My assignment was not that difficult. I was so tired my husband stated his aunt called for me while I was sleeping and I never woke up.( I was extremely tired from staying up to care for his aunt during his denist appointment). She needed a bath. He took care of her but, he has been doing more than his fair share. I was suppose to give him a break because, I was able to sleep for work all weekend. He hardly had any sleep all weekend. He also cleaned the kitchen. He also went to his dentist appointment and they said he was doing a great job with his teeth. I need to start exercising more. It seems strange but, exercise helps in creating energy. I also need to focus more on my diet. I have been pretty good but, I had a little junk food today. All three of us split a bag of MM;s ( small), and a small bag of chips. I also had a bagel with cream cheese. This is not the best diet and will not help my energy level. I also found out that when I work at night, I get anxiety for no reason. Last night I had a handful of mixed nuts and a big glass of water and it went away.  I need to gain more energy. I read a article today that you should track all your eating to see if it is due to emotion. It stated that if you crave high fat foods, sugar that it is a emotional response and it needs to be addressed by filling the emotion. Examples given exercise for boredom,calling a friend for loneliness. I also am getting overtime tomorrow to teach a class. I have been trying to fill myself spiritually by spending time with God, listening to his word, reading, praying. I have to place my burden on him. I still continue to be very blessed.

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