I have not been able to get alot done this week. Caring for my husband aunt has kept me really busy. I was able to go to the denist for a cleaning. I am scheduled for dental surgury on march 6. I am going to see my mother today.She is coming over to my house for the day. I went to bed early at 0945 and was only able to sleep untill 0230. I have been working on my writing so that I will not wake anyone. The days have been busy but, I have not really accomplished anything. My friend is going for surgury on her hand. I talked to my friends husband that died last night. My husband and I are trying to call him weekly so that we can help him through the death of his wife( my best friend). I have felt so tired lately I not sure what my problem is. I feel like everytime I get in a deep sleep I have to get a bed pan. I have to just let things go untill my husband aunt can return to her home. I don't like it but it has to be done. Maybe I am waking up because this is the only time I have a few minutes without caring for someone. I love being a nurse and caring for my family but, sometimes it is exhausting.

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