I started my second book I received for Christmas in the Grace Chapel series. My husband went to the eye doctor ( another one of my New Year resolutions). I also went to MC Donald's today and ordered oatmeal ( new years resolution to eat better). I am going to the fair tomorrow with my husband, his aunt, and my adoptive father and his significant other ( another new years resolution to spend time with family).  I love the fair because, I aways get a new apron. I love aprons.  My husband aunt is able to get out of the house which does not happen often. A good life is built on every day habits, so I am trying to change those habits. While I was in the eye doctors office I found out that many scientist solve problems out of their own home. How wonderful. I watched two movies with my husband aunt last night one was a very old black and white film about a orphan that receives a family, the second was called angel doll both were very good and enjoyable.  I completed the computer class at my work. I am grateful to God for this beautiful spring like day, a house full of family, old movies, oatmeal, a good nights rest, dirty dishes, aprons, and forgiveness. Well I have allot of house work to do today.

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