I was able to get a great deal of spring cleaning done yesterday. The house still does not look as good as I would like it. I started the embroidery on my napkins. I also was able to get a beautiful frame for my diploma. The frame was also 50% off. That was defiantly one expensive piece of paper. I was offered extra days at work ( will help me to pay off my student loans, thank you God). I also have to go with my husband to the dermontologist today for a check up. I have finally started sleeping better. I know that my friend is in a better place, I just miss her. I was able to talk to my brother on the phone and had a good talk. We watched money ball last night with my husband aunt. Due to her disablity we have watched a great deal of movies while she is with us because this is one activity she enjoys and can participate in. Life is short and it has to be enjoyed. I pray that I pritorize what is truly important in my life. I need to get back on my walking schedule I have been getting exersise with all this cleaning. I am a lucky women because I have such a handsome husband who really loves me. He always puts me first and I am so greatful. I hope I can be a good wife to him. I have been married seven years and I keep falling in Love with him over and over. I always find out new things about him every day. My husband aunt is taking a toll because she has literally woke us up every hour since her stay here to use the bed pan.
I was studying God word to day about Joseph life. This is what Joesph said to those who meant him harm. " but as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. Now therefore do not be afraid I will provide for you and you little ones and he conforted them and spoke kindly to them Genesis 50:20-21
God had used the tribulation and harm that was intended for him to bring about the purpose he had for his life. God worked in Joesph life and situation in such a powerful way that he was made ruler over Egypt second only to Pharaoh. And God worked integrity into Joseph heart in such a way that when they came doen to buy grain from him he wept over them treated them with respect and was reconciled to them. He did not heap guilt upon them for thier betrayal and the years of torment they had caused him. Instead he forgave them and released them from guilt by telling them the real reason for exile to Egypt  ( Exceeding gratitude for the creators plan James P Gills MD) Joesph learned a important lesson in life God has a plan and means well for his children. Know matter what adventure he sends you on you are right where he wants you to be.

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