We had a family supper last night. It was very nice. My cousin Laurie adopted a 16 year old. Best of all my niece Courtney came over. She was not to talkative but, I praise God she came back home and is speaking to me and her mother. I think God is showing her how important a education is. She had to go grocery shopping for the first time and she thought she could by food for her and six other eighteen year olds living in the same house for $60.00 a month. Well she bought personal products for her and the other two girls living their and that did not leave much money for food. She ask us how we use to do it. Well it called a garden, canning, doing without and making do. That is why I wanted her to go to school so bad and not give up her scholarship. I guess we all have to learn the hard way. I just thank God for answered prayers. I turned my homework in with 10minutes to spare. I have never been that close before.

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