But lay up for yourself treasures in Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and thieves do not break in to steal” (Mathew 6:20, NIV). As I was reading, I began to wonder how my beliefs in God could be expressed into my own leadership style. How is it that God plays a role in business markets, products, domains and leadership trends in business?  A sobering thought came to mind, was I spending my most precious resource time, in wasted activity that had no significant meaning or long- term effect.  Was there a way that I could serve others in my chosen vocation that could have a lasting impact into future generations and the world? Does the often-mundane task that compromise most of my workday really matter to God? Can they be used to serve him?

               To be honest I began to think the last twenty-years of changing bandages, making schedules, feeding the elderly, and helping stretch nursing budgets in ways that is nothing short of a miracle, were wasted. I had done nothing extraordinary to serve God. I had heard sermons over the years do something extraordinary, crazy for God! I have friends that have served God in far off lands and running very profitable churches. Some are writing Christian books that become best sellers. Other friends are running multimillion-dollar firms. I am running around reminding staff to shut off lights in rooms not being used and wondering if the baby wipes will make it until the end of the month if we have another round of diarrhea. Is learning about leadership trends, market domains, networking, products and resource allocation going to make a difference in my small part of the world, in my service to God and the individuals I serve?

               When I went to God’s word, the answer was overwhelmingly yes! The first thing I came to was that God says all work is good. “The Lord God took man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15). If a mundane task such as gardening is important to God, then how does he view such insignificant things in our daily life and work? The word of God says “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men (Colossian 3:23). Maybe I had falling for a fad in today’s society. Success in a business and life is all about profit and being on the cover of Time magazine. I do not have to quit my job and become a rock star pastor to serve God. The everyday running of my nursing floor matters to God.

               Learning how to do the best job possible with what I have been given is serving God. God does not care if I tell people about him on a foreign mission field or while networking for lower prices on baby wipes. The mundane parts of our work are important to God. The quality of the products we sell, how we manage resources, act in relationship or clean the bathroom are important to God. I may never be on the Forbes list for the women who save the most money shutting off lights for a non- profit organization. That does not matter, because my efforts matter to God. Everything done on this earth for God will be rewarded in heaven. God can be served in the mundane. Picking up the toilet paper on the floor in the employee bathroom just seems a little more important today.



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