The wonder of words

Acumen ( noun) - keen accurate judment or insight
Amalgamat- ( verb)  to combie several elements into a whole
Adulterate-  ( verb) to reduce purity by combining with inferior ingredients
Archaic- ( adjective) outdated associated with an earlier, perhaps more primitive time
Aver-( verb) to state as a fact to declare or assert
bolster- ( verb) to provide support or reinforcement
bombastic ( adjective) pompous; grandiloquent
diatribe- ( noun) a harsh denuncation
dissemble- ( verb) to disguise or conceal to mislead
eccentric- ( adjective) departing from the norm or coventions
edemic-( adjective) chracterisitic of or often found in particuar locality, region or people
evanescent- ( adjective) tending t disappear like vapor vanishing
exacerbate- ( verb) to make worse or more severe
fervent- ( adjective) greatly emotional or zealous
fortuitous- ( adjective) happining by accident or chance
germane- ( adjective) relevent to the subject at hand approriate in subject matter
grandiloquence ( noun) pompus speech or expression
Hackneyed (adjective) rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage
Halcyon- (adjective)  calm and peaceful
hedonism- (noun) devotion to pleasur pursuits, esp to the pleasur of the senses ( a hedonist is someone who pursues pleasure)
Hegemony- (noun) the consistent dominace of one state or ideology over others

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