Is the Bible the word of God

 Does the Bible have authority, unity of the message from a diverse amount of human authors and sources, is the most compelling arguments that gives creditability to Bible being the word of God. There were at least 36 authors, perhaps 40, who wrote the 66 books of the Bible.Yet in spite of the diversity of the authors there is unity in the Bible reflecting its supernatural origin. The Bible was written over 1600 years by men of various occupations, backgrounds, and the message still remains unified. The reason this argument is the most convincing to me is you can have a group of people with different backgrounds, world views, generations, and occupations all learning from the same teacher and reading the same article. Yet their interpretations of the material and events by no means are similar or unified. If we attempted to do this it would be impossible without supernatural help. If that argument is not compelling enough, let me bring two other disciplines of science to support and develop my argument. Ask any psychologist or criminologist if you had five people witness a crime at the same time and report the event immediately after it happened, how many of the people would report the same details or description of the event? The answer would be none.  Yet this occurs in the Bible over a 1600 year period with men who do not speak the same language, belong to the same culture or generation. To me this is enough evidence the Bible is the word of God.

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