This recipe comes from Pickerton's Wisdom published in East Hampton, Massachusetts in 1893. Every time I have an old cookbook from the New England area, I think of my sweet friend, Lisa. Her grandmother lived in a Victorian house there and Lisa remembers enjoying teatime at her Grammy's house as a child. She also enjoyed a famous last name-Converse; that's right, their family started the shoe company. Merry Christmas to all of my friends (and blog buddies!) far and wide!

My Holiday Scrapbook:

Snow Candy-1893

1 pan of newly-fallen snow
2 C brown sugar
1/2 C butter
4 TBSP molasses
2 TBSP water
2 TBSP vinegar

Boil sugar, butter, molasses, water and vinegar in a large pot until the candy reaches the Hard Crack stage on a candy thermometer. Immediately remove the candy from the heat. Pour thin ribbons of candy over the pan of snow. The candy will harden and melt the snow. Crack the ribbons of candy into pieces and give to the children.

In early days there was a rumor spread by some clever mothers that Santa wouldn't come if the house wasn't clean :0) (I like this-you get your house cleaned the week before Christmas...with plenty of eager helpers!)

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