I agree that strengthening American families is essential in building a healthier society.

The government has placed many social programs in place to protect and assist families in times

of crisis and need (Kornbluh & Homer, 2010). The support of American social contract programs

make up the greatest share of government spending ( Kornbluh & Homer,2010). I would like to

assert that many of the government programs rather than helping build strong families are

destroying them.

     The rate of marriage in America has drastically dropped in the last ten years, many citing

financial reasons ( Nichol, 2014). What I have personally witnessed is the younger generation

prefer to live together because, if they are not married thier incomes are not counted together and

they qualify for government assistance programs. Young couples that both work

minimum wage jobs that do not qualify for healthcare, childcare, housing, food stamps, or

or assistance to attend college.  While two parents living together one making a decent income,

while the other stays home and receive low income housing, medical for the children, Pell to

attend college, food stamps, free childcare and WIC. I have been told many times “why would

we marry “? “We would not have the money to survive”.


     Then with the government taxing married couples there is another financial incentive not to

marry. Society no longer views these programs as assistance through hard times but, a way of

life.  Family and Marriage is one of the pillars of society. Family provides the foundation of

health  for a child’s life. Research shows that children of married couples are healthier, better

academically, socially, mentally and physically ( Mail,2013). When a father is not in the home a

children’s rates of delinquency double ( Mail,2013). The more a family eats away from home

the greater their children’s rates of obesity( Mail,2013). This same statistics do not apply to

parents that co- inhabit( Mail,2013). Many times if a politician supports marriage they are

deemed to be  promoting a religious agenda ( Mail,2013). When research demonstrates

marriage is one of the cornerstones to a healthy society. It is clear that the social programs in

place to include health care need to be re-evaluated because we are deconstructing  our

own foundation.

Kornbluh, K., & Homer, R. (2010). The new family values agenda: Renewing our social contract. Harvard Law & Policy Review, 4(1), 73. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/914324891?accountid=12085

Nichol, S. (2014, Jun 16). Marriage rate is decreasing. Evening Chronicle Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1535587280?accountid=12085

Why marriage is still critically important scot region]. (2013, Dec 13). Daily Mail Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1467620820?accountid=12085




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