What to do accourding to the farmers almanac in the month of Janurary in the garden

Go outside and take a look at your perennial garden ( or where you'd like to put perennials)
Are there places where shrubs, ornamental grasses, or plants with interesting winter seed pods might add structure and improve your garden's, or plants with interesing winter seed pods might add stucture and improve your winter garden's appearence?
If so make a list of those plants or put your thoughts on paper in the form of a winter garden desigh to refer to later.
Plans for today is to clear the weeds out of my front garden.
Go to the public libary
Take books to store for store credit
Things I have been greatful over the past two days
Ice cream and old movies with my husband last night
a day of rest
Cinnomon French toast and maple sausage for breakfast ( the lovely smell in the house)
Breakfast with  my cousion and nephew
Hot coffee
cool days
great days at work
one of my patients saying thankyou
having a job in a bad economy
having a best friend
The house is quiet and cool. I can hear soft running water. I feel content. I can smell apples and cinnimon. I plan to make steaks, corn, and mashpototes for dinner. The laundry is being done. The dishes are finished. God has provided. Life is good.
What is a annual?
As the very name annual suggest true annuals are plants that go through the entire life cycle from seed to bloom to seed production to death within one calander year.
I have a secret when it comes to growing annuals. Discover which annuals are considered easy to grow under your growing conditions and plant lots of them.

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