Things that I am grateful for today.

My husband gave me a pink rose.
I had a good day at work last night.
I have job with health insurance in a poor economy.
My car is running.
My husband was able to find the resume I wrote so I don't have to do it over
My friend recovered from abdominal surgury and returned to work
Toward my goals last night for this year
I walked 7,000 steps
I took the stairs
I scheduled a physical with my doctor
I will see my denist the week after to help with my gum disease

I found some great sayings I would like to share

It not about finding yourself it about creating yourself author unknown

Be yourself everyone else in already taken Oscar Wilde

You know your in love when you can't fall asleep because reality finally is better thand your dreams Dr Suess

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind Dr Seuss.

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