Reliable mustard rub to clear up coughs and chest congetion

This versatile formula clears up coughs and chest congestion, and delivers fast relief to sore muscles, and stiff achy joints. For best results, adminster this treatment before you go to bed.
2 tsp of olive oil
1tsp of dry mustard
1tsp. of powdered ginger
 Mix the ingredients together, and rub a tiny dab on your inner arm. Then wait 10 minutes. If the skin shows no sign of irritation, rub the rest of the mixture onto the troubled area untill you feel a warm, tingling sensation, Depending on what body parts you've massaged with the oily mixture, either put on a old t - shirt, or cover the area with a soft cotton cloth to protect the sheets. Then hop into bed get a good nights sleep. In the morning wash off the residue.

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