Virtue:  RESPECT


Creed: I understand that each person I interact with is someone who is so precious in God’s sight that he gave his only son to die for him/her.


Key Scripture: “Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.” I Peter 2:17



1.      I look for the best in others.

2.      I am quick to forgive the faults of others.

3.      I enjoy interacting with people who are different than me.

4.      I am courteous and considerate toward others.


Are you always showing the respect you should to everyone you meet? It can be hard to show respect to someone who, in your opinion, is not worthy or deserving of respect through their actions. But through God’s love and grace, we are all worthy of salvation, and therefore, of respect. How do you rate yourself in accordance with the assessment statements? I love learning about people of other nationalities and cultures with respectful curiosity, so number 3 is easy to me. I could probably always be better at looking for the best in others, being more courteous and considerate, and I definitely could use more help in being quick to forgive the faults of others. Sometimes it’s hard for me to forgive when I feel others have faulted me, even if that wrong was in the past. I’ll be in prayer for you this week regarding your assignments and regarding the virtue of respect, and I appreciate your prayers as well.

Print out and keep on the fridge as a reminder that positive words of praise make for better days!

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