I do the right thing, even when no one is watching.



“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” II Corinthians 10:5



1.     I am known as an honest person.

2.     I intentionally protect myself from the appearance of evil in my everyday life.

3.     I desire to please God in the way I live my life.

4.     I place myself under the authority of others.


Do you struggle with integrity? I think as nurses we automatically consider ourselves to have integrity, but do we as Christians? I would hope that we are all honest in nature, and have a desire to please God in the way we live our lives. Do we stop and think daily, “Is the way I’m behaving today pleasing to God?” I know I don’t take enough time to consider this daily. Another struggle is the intention to protect myself from the appearance of evil in my everyday life. I know the books I read and the TV shows I watch are not necessarily wholesome and something Jesus would read/watch if He was living today on Earth. This assessment statement hit me hard this week, and I’ll be in prayer about it, and try to do better with what I read and what I watch on TV. What about you? Another area I find hard to incorporate is “placing myself under the authority of others.” I don’t necessarily like others telling me what to do, especially when I know I can do it better/faster my way. However, maybe this is just about following the Bible and putting ourselves under His authority. That I can do! Have a great week, full of integrity!

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