Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs

Bloom’s Definition
Remember previously learned information.
Demonstrate an understanding of the facts.
Apply knowledge to actual situations.
Break down objects or ideas into simpler parts and find evidence to support generalizations.
Compile component ideas into a new whole or propose alternative solutions.
Make and defend judgments based on internal evidence or external criteria.
  1. Arrange
  2. Define
  3. Describe
  4. Duplicate
  5. Identify
  6. Label
  7. List
  8. Match
  9. Memorize
  10. Name
  11. Order
  12. Outline
  13. Recognize
  14. Relate
  15. Recall
  16. Repeat
  17. Reproduce
  18. Select
  19. State
  1. Classify
  2. Convert
  3. Defend
  4. Describe
  5. Discuss
  6. Distinguish
  7. Estimate
  8. Explain
  9. Express
  10. Extend
  11. Generalized
  12. Give example(s)
  13. Identify
  14. Indicate
  15. Infer
  16. Locate
  17. Paraphrase
  18. Predict
  19. Recognize
  20. Rewrite
  21. Review
  22. Select
  23. Summarize
  24. Translate
  1. Apply
  2. Change
  3. Choose
  4. Compute
  5. Demonstrate
  6. Discover
  7. Dramatize
  8. Employ
  9. Illustrate
  10. Interpret
  11. Manipulate
  12. Modify
  13. Operate
  14. Practice
  15. Predict
  16. Prepare
  17. Produce
  18. Relate
  19. Schedule
  20. Show
  21. Sketch
  22. Solve
  23. Use
  24. Write
  1. Analyze
  2. Appraise
  3. Breakdown
  4. Calculate
  5. Categorize
  6. Compare
  7. Contrast
  8. Criticize
  9. Diagram
  10. Differentiate
  11. Discriminate
  12. Distinguish
  13. Examine
  14. Experiment
  15. Identify
  16. Illustrate
  17. Infer
  18. Model
  19. Outline
  20. Point out
  21. Question
  22. Relate
  23. Select
  24. Separate
  25. Subdivide
  26. Test
  1. Arrange
  2. Assemble
  3. Categorize
  4. Collect
  5. Combine
  6. Comply
  7. Compose
  8. Construct
  9. Create
  10. Design
  11. Develop
  12. Devise
  13. Explain
  14. Formulate
  15. Generate
  16. Plan
  17. Prepare
  18. Rearrange
  19. Reconstruct
  20. Relate
  21. Reorganize
  22. Revise
  23. Rewrite
  24. Set up
  25. Summarize
  26. Synthesize
  27. Tell
  28. Write
  1. Appraise
  2. Argue
  3. Assess
  4. Attach
  5. Choose
  6. Compare
  7. Conclude
  8. Contrast
  9. Defend
  10. Describe
  11. Discriminate
  12. Estimate
  13. Evaluate
  14. Explain
  15. Judge
  16. Justify
  17. Interpret
  18. Relate
  19. Predict
  20. Rate
  21. Select
  22. Summarize
  23. Support
  24. Value

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