I have a lot to be grateful for. My husband I have health insurance to pay for our medication. We have a running truck. We had a great night spending time with friends and our nephew playing board games and eating snacks, dinner and strawberry pie for dessert. I won shadow hunter Also we still have grandma Sara. I have a husband who loves me and family who love me. That I am going to go to a church social next Saturday with a cake contest. That I had a nice nap with my hubby today. That Dave and I went garage sailing and I bought a purse and found 20 dollars in it all the money we spent Thrifting. We tried to give the money back the person refused. During our thrifting, I got two new memory foam pillows that are usually a one hundred twenty dollars a piece for one dollar each. Had a free dry cleaning coupon to clean them came out like new. A new back pack purse. Prima color colored pencils for 25 cents. I comforter. A birthday present for my nephew. A brand new cat liter box. A walking staff for hiking for my husband. Three new books to read then turn in for credit to get new ones. A new jean skirt that is long and a toaster oven. I was able to read half of a organizing book. I had good health and make up to put on. I was able to sleep in one day. I was able to help neice with her school work. I also have been having a lot of great time with my husband. I had two great days at work and had very wonderful families and patients. I was able to get up and put make up on and have breakfast with my husband. I have been studying for my GRN. I have free education to obtain it.  I am truly blessed.
This is my sister Jen as a baby.

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