During pray time today

God chose Jeremiah to be a prophet despite his feeling of inadequacy. As a women I often base things on feelings. God has given us many promise's in the Bible. It is more important to trust God's promises because feelings often lie to us. One way to move from the fear center of the brain to the higher thinking part of the brain is appreciation. I have a lot to be thankful for today. A great outing with Mom yesterday. God has provided a pantry, freezer and refrigerator full of food. Herby always doing dishes. Going back to school. A great husband. A beautiful view out my window. The ability to write what I please. Living in America. Having health insurance and a job, electricity. A warranty on my law mower that broke down. Friendship, dinner out tonight, my elliptical, my will fit. I pray that God guides my ways, my actions, to serve him. I pray for his guidance and protection.

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