Sleep is not coming. I am suppose to go to church today and spend time with my family. I guess I was sleeping to much in the past couple of days. I am about to make big changes in my life and it follows me to my dreams. I have decided to start doing big things that scare me. One is I am taking a day shift supervisor position. I am also going to learn pediatric nursing. I am going to get my graduate degree. I will get my house and my finances together. I will spend more time on what is important. God, my family and promoting quality nursing care. I will take time to work on my health because it is more valuable then any material thing. I work on going after my passions in writing and art. I will finish my book I have had in my head for a year. I will finish those projects I have been putting off. Life is short and I need to start living it to the fullest on not dwelling on mistakes.
My blog will be taking a little different direction. I hope you enjoy the journey.

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