I finally had a few days off so my husband and I went out for my Birthday. It was a day right out of a comedy. My husband and I went out to eat and out to a movie. Captain America. Then we both started feeling sick. We made it through the movie barely. We ended going to the doctor the next day and we both had food poisoning. Then we stopped to get ginger ale at the doctors direction and I dropped a 2 liter on my foot and broke it. I have missed two days of work and spent three entire days sleeping when I was not vomiting. This is my first day up. I am forcing myself to stay awake because I hurt so bad from staying in bed so long. We both had fever and chills all day. I will have a week off work but, this is not how I wanted to spend it. I just thank God he has been seeing us through this.
 I know that my great husband loves me because despite vomiting and diarrhea he some how took me to the urgent care clinic to get my foot looked at. That is true love.

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