Since I missed a few days of writing about being grateful I am going to come up with fifty things I am grateful for right now

1) Talks with my sister
2)  all my siblings
3) my husbands family
4) my family extended
5) going to the fair every year
6) having a place to go on Christmas
7) My church family
8) my cats
9) hot showers
10) having the refrigerator repaired for free
11) a law mower
13) friends
14) food in the house
15) Money to attend college from work
16) free classes at the Library
17) Having time to write
18) hot coco
19) my fireplace
20) cake for dessert
21) sparkspeople being free and fun and helpful
22) my doctor
23) having a good paying job
24) being able to pay all the bills on time
25) being able to go to  school
25) books
26) fun free classes at the library
27) holidays and days off work
28) My husband being my knight in shining armor
30) cats
31) being able to afford my husbands medicine
32) my two favorite shows on tv
33) being over caffeine withdrawl
34) cat kisses
35) husband kisses
36) sunsets and rises
37) long naps
38) good sleep
39) clean water
40) time to exercise
41) my husband enjoying himself on his game
42) Church
43) cool days
44) long walks
45) days off
46) old books
47) candles that smell like roses
49) friends
50) having a car that runs

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