I found this book at a yard sale for a quater. The world of little house by Carolyn Strom Collins, and Christina Wyss Erikson. It has many simple old fashion ways to celebrate life. One recipe I plan to use for the holiday is pulled molasses candy.
" Almanzo's mother and father visted Uncle Andrew for a week, leaving Almanzo, Royal, Eliza Jane, and Alice to take care of the house while they were gone. Without their parents around, Almanzo and hid brother and sister decided to do whatever they felt like doing, and one of the firtst things they did was make pulled molases candy" ( Collins & Erikson, 1997).
                                       Pulled Molasses Candy
 4 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 cup brown sugar
Extra butter for buttering your hands
Measuring cup and spoons
Large saucepan
wooden spoon
Candy thermometer or cup of cold water
buttered platter
kitchen scissors
Airtight container
1) combine the butter, brown sugar, and molasses in the saucepan.
2) Set  over meduim- high heat and bring mixture to a boil. Turn the heat down but keep the mixture boiling.
3) Stir the mixture untill it reaches 250 degrees on the candy thermometer or forms a hard ball when a few drops are dropped into the cold water. This will take about 20 minutes.
4) Carefully pour the hot mixture onto the buttered platter and let it cool at least 10 minutes until you can handle it without burning your hands. Be extremly careful the mixture will be very hot when you pour it out.
Butter your hands well and pull off a handful of the molasses mixture.
5) Stretch the candy into long ropes about half thick and cut the ropes into one inch peices
This was a writing in an old sunday school manual about keeping your heart right with God.This remindes me of the importance of praying and spending time with the Lord depite how busy I am. Because He is the reason for the season.

6) Let the peices cool before you eat them store in airtight container this recipe makes about 50 peices of candy.

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