Advocate for foster children

The economic crisis that the world is currently facing has left the country and the government officials with very challenging question on how to best reduce government spending. As of 2012 the adoption tax credit will no longer be in effect. This credit made it possible for many middle class and low come income family’s to adopt. This credit is responsible for the placement of many older children, children with disabilities, large sibling groups and minority children (Crowan, 2004). Many may argue that if an individual does not have the money to adopt then maybe they do not have the money to parent. This is a misconception in the fact that few biological parents need $30,000 to $ 40, 0000 up front to begin their parenting journey (Focus on the family, 2011).Many children available for adoptions are over the age of eight years old have suffered for severe abuse and neglect. The therapy and special services that these children require to heal is far greater that the tax incentive provided by the government. The benefit of a family provides to a child last a life time (Crowan, 2004).

The failure to place orphaned children into families has the potential to create major long-term health consequences for this very vulnerable population and the country as a whole. It has been determined that one third of the youth ageing out of foster care end up homeless, selling drugs, spending time in jail or prison, engaging in prostitution, without health insurance and without money for basic necessities (Cowan,2004). Research supports older children that have been adopted are more likely to finish high school, attend college and have better emotional and developmental functioning. Older children need adoptive families to help guide them through the confusing and costly marketplaces of employment, housing, higher education and family formation. Families create better citizens that are not a drain on the countries resources (Cowan, 2004). These adoption subsidized remove barriers to adoption and creates healthier communities (Focus on the family, 2011).

The need to recruit families for hard to place adoptive children is a health disparity that cannot wait. Christian nurses are in a position to make an impact that will have not only long lasting health benefits but, has eternal consequences. One media outlet that is available the local community to bring this issue into multiple homes and churches is the focus magazine. This is a free local Christian magazine supported by multiple local churches that allows anyone in the community to write an article, after it has been reviewed and approved by their pastor. The magazine is free of charge placed in local churches, waiting rooms, hospitals, restaurants, community centers etc. (Buresh & Gordon, 2006). There are 127,000 children in the United States that are waiting for adoptive families, there are over 300,000 churches. This is less than one child per church and the United States, would be free of orphans. The church has the ability and has been commanded by God to cure this very urgent public health concern (Focus on the family, 2011). “Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows “(James, 1:27). By creating a ministry in the church that is continually involved in orphan care, through service, advocacy, donations, and adoption, the church has the ability to remove this disparity from society. This local magazine would provide a media tool to accomplish communicating this great need to multiple people in the community.

This issue also needs to be communicated and brought to the front of the country’s leader’s minds. The voters need to make it clear that forgetting this voiceless population will not be tolerated. By the government removing barriers to adoption through tax incentives, easier adoption process and increase funding to foster care, the money spent now prevents much more costly problems in the child’s future, that later become a burden to the tax payers (Cowan,2004). A person needs a family for more than just childhood, to navigate this life. The small incentives provided to adoptive families has the ability to save the government millions in future expenditure (Cowan, 2004). Letters to congressmen, legislators, the president and local officials outlining this problem and ways to solve it, will give a voice to this very vulnerable population that does not have one without the help of the voters and the community (Buresh & Gordon,2006).

 November is national adoption month. Many articles are run in the local newspaper during this month. Letter to the editor informing the public of this issue and urging others to advocate for orphans by writing to government officials would not only educate the public but motivate action. Letters to the editor could also include information about the need for adoptive homes for older children, what is required to adopt and after tax credits adoption of older children can cost next to nothing (Buresh & Gordon, 2006).The public can be made aware of the importance of continued government support, for medical coverage and education to remove barriers for of adopting older special needs children. The public could be made aware of long term medical and mental disorders that can occur from lack of one of the life’s basic necessities, the social support of family (Focus on the family, 2011).

This is how I would articulate this important issue using the community Christian magazine. In a few short weeks we will be celebrating the birth of our Lord. This Christmas season we will all hear a familiar deeply meaningful story of the birth of the Son of God and Savior of the world, given as a gift to all mankind to bring peace on earth and salvation to all who believe. I would like to point out a part of the Christmas story that you may have not considered. The Christmas story is one of the first stories of adoption. Mary while she was still a virgin became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph her fiancé being just a man, decided to end the engagement quietly as not to bring disgrace Mary publically. The Lord then sent an angel to Joseph and said “do not be afraid to go ahead with your marriage to Mary” ( Luke 2:1-20). The child within Mary has been conceived by the Holy Spirit. When the child is born name him Jesus he is given to the world to save them for their sins. When Joseph woke up he did what the angel commanded. By Joseph following the command giving to him by God, he became the adoptive father to Jesus and made it possible for the entire world to be part of the adoptive family of God. “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth his son, born of women, born under law, to redeem those who were under law, that we might receive the adoption as sons”(Galatians, 4:4-6).

God thought family was so important that he placed his only son into one. In a season that family is one of the first thoughts on everyone’s mind. There 127,000 children in the United States without families by no fault of their own. There are 300,000 churches in the United States; miracles could be performed in these children’s lives if every church devoted time, support and parents for these children. The church has the ability to remove this disparity from the country. Has not God given the church the commandment to care for the orphans and the widow (James 1:27).

Many individual are often afraid to adopt older children because of their past or their family history.  Imagine is Joseph had failed to follow the commandment given to him by God because, he was afraid of the genetic line the Jesus came from. The line of King David, Jesus came from had murders, prostitutes, thieves and many more very colorful individuals. What is God considered your past, age, and genetics before he adopted you into his family? There are two reasons God chose Joseph to be the father of the king of all men. He said yes and he made a commitment.

In this important time of the year when all Christians come together to worship and celebrate the joy and love that God sent to this earth so long ago. Because of this child all humankind had the ability to become part of God’s eternal family. God accepts the care of orphans and widows as pure and faultless (James 1:27). This year much like the three Wiseman of old, a gift of love could be given to a fatherless child. Not all individuals are in the position to adopt, but everyone has something they can give to the orphaned. “Whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me (Mathew 25:20). The Wiseman entered the manger and they fell down to worship the King of the Jews. The wise men gave the messiah gifts of franticness, gold and myrrh. Looking upon this child they knew they were witnessing the king of all mankind (Luke 2:1-20). What would be a more precious gift this holiday season then to care for one of Gods most precious children?


Buresh, B., Gordon, S. (2006). From silence to voice. Cornell

     university: Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press.

Cowan, B. (2004). Policies encouraging the adoption of older children.

     Children and youth services review, 26(11), 1007-1020.


Focus on the family, 2011, Helping families thrive, (n.d). Retrieved from:   

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