Depression era pie crust that is so good and frugal!

I love this blog I get alot of free graphic, crafts, recipes and she has a wonderful etsy shop. The site is
This is a woderful recipe from her blog I used and the graphic below she gave away free go see her.
Pie crust
Put 1 and 1/3 cup of flour and teaspoon salt into a bowl, mixed and make a well in the middle measure 1/3 cup of oil ( canola) and 3 tablespoons cold milk into a cup then poor into the well and mix it up all at once the least you can mix it and it will still hold together this keeps the crust tender
Sprinkle some flour on waxed paper, place crust ball of dough on it, rub flour on your rolling pin and roll out. The scraps from this crust can be gathered and re rolled and stay tender

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