
The genre of this book is epistle. The primary theme of this book is to praise God grace. Solely by God grace alone are we chosen to be forgiven and called to be children of God. That through the gift of the Holy Spirit we belong to God forever. That God cannot and will not tolerate sin and it will not go unpunished. Every human being stands guilty before the eternal judgment of God. That the only way to evade judgment is to except Jesus Christ as Savior. That the church was created for all mankind, God created the church for all ethnic background to live together in harmony. The key characters and events are as follows. Paul is in prison he is writing a letter to the church. This letter is full of praise for God for all he has done, despite Paul grave circumstances. The letter tells of the great love that God has for all mankind. He tells the church of God plan to unite the gentiles and the Jews into one church or body for Christ. Paul’s tells of God saving grace through Jesus Christ. He give an examples of how Christian life should be lived. Christian are to turn from their former lives in the darkness and lived full of the Holy Spirit seeking only what is good, right, and true. That Christians are to have gentleness integrity, respect, kindness, and to love one another. He teaches of appropriate home life for the Christian. How husbands, wives and children should interact with each other. Paul then tells us of the spiritual warfare that will occur in our Christina life. He tells us of ways to protect ourselves from the devil. That Christians must not rely on their own resources, but must use the weapons the Lord supplies. That one must take the opposition of the devil seriously. Paul describes the devil as prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. That the devil is out to destroy Gods people. That God will take all the evil that the devil intends for us and turn it into good. Paul tells us to put on our Gods armor against the devil. Some things he mentions are truth, Gods word, righteousness, peace and salvation.

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