Today was a great day. Dave gave his sister who was very happy to have it a old TV, I accomplished my goal of clearing out clutter. I have twelve hours of overtime tomorrow. I have been enjoying day shift I think it will make me a better wife and mother. I was able to get the dishes done, I washed the bed sheets. I continued to knit my scarves for Christmas presents. Talked to my friend Maureen on the phone.  I woke up this AM made cold coffee in saved water bottle this saves a ton of money over buying it. I also went out to lunch with my husband and nephew this is his last day staying with us. We stopped by a local thrift shop. There was fill a bag for a dollar with clothes. I was able to get three night gowns with tags on them for Christmas presents. Five outfits for my mother,a Smurf hoodie  and jersey for my nephew for a dollar. We got a pulley, a suitcase for our up coming trip, and calendar organizer and only spent five dollars. We also won a free meal out tonight,. Eating out two meals in a row wow. Dave made a meal in the crock pot so we will have that tomorrow. The best part of the day is I slept in until eleven and watched attach of the pod people snuggled on the couch with my husband

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