The last few days have been great and bad at the same time. I have been having many stressful things happen at work. There is a process problem that needs resolved with infusion patients.  I think I have come up with the answer to the problem. My mother and father - in -law took me, Dave, Josh, grandma Sarah, aunt Effie out to apple bees one night it was a great family time. The next night we had my sister- in- law and my friend Maureen over for Taco lasagna. Dave also made a large cheese cake cherry. It was so good.  We helped my sister in law hunt for a job. We talked about our Etsy shop. I did Maureen nails. It was a nice day. Then I was able to get 12 hrs.' of overtime before my vacation. I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. I was given some great dresses by Maureen so I think that I will wear one to the wedding. I am so blessed in my life. Dave and I also went shopping for a wedding gift. Dave came up with the idea of a crock pot with a crock pot cook book. We also bought white wrapping paper with silver hearts and a darling card. We also found a pic of the first day we met. My tenth anniversary is next week. On the day that was so bad Dave bought me a tin daisy for my garden. I love daisy's and tin is what you are suppose to give for this anniversary. It made a very bad day but my husbands kindness made it so much more bearable. Now we are continuing to deep clean and organize our house. We have thrown many items away or donated them. I continue to enjoy working day shift. I physically feel so much better. I also slept in today it has been a great day. a little house cleaning at a time. I am just doing everything a little at a time. I am also excited about our upcoming family vacation. We are having a meeting tonight to discuss how we are going to navigate such a large feet. Even in the bad time I have a great deal to be grateful for.

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