The study of Numbers


The book of numbers includes a variety of literary genres, to include narrative, poetry, and law. The theme of this book is; how God never changes and provides for his people, despite their disobedience, idolatry and lack of faith. God is a keeper of promises. The book of Numbers was also written as a warning so future generation would not indulge in disobedience that brought death to entire generation of Israelites. This book also served as organizing structure for the first audiences about the amount of war ready men, and a basis in which to split the promise land. The key events and characters of the book are as follows. During the journey to the promise land many times the Israelites complained, disobeyed, and worshiped false Gods despite the miracles that God has shown to them every day. God provided for their needs through water from rocks in the dessert, the provision of food through manna and leading them through the dessert in the form of a cloud by day and pillar fire by night. Despite all this Israel failed to maintain their covenant with God and not have faith in him. Even their leader Moses disobeyed God with thinking that he was on the same level of God and not following Gods instruction to bring forth water from a rock by speaking to it, he struck the rock instead. So because God is a holy God he had to cast judgment and discipline on sin. He was patient at first and led them around in the dessert and gave them many chances to come together as nation and an army and trust him through teaching them about himself through his laws and love. He then had to keep a whole generation of Israelites out of the promise land to include their leader Moses because of their disobedience, lack of faith and unwillingness to learn from past mistakes. God is a keeper of promises he prepared their children and two faithful scouts Joshua and Caleb to enter the promise land.

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