The study of Exodus


The literary genres of the book of exodus are a narrative and law. The theme of this book is; what does it mean to be in a relationship with God and how does one establish that relationship. Some of the key personality and events include an orphan named Moses that has a speech impediment, who becomes the founding leader of Israel, after checking out a burning bush. A man named Pharaoh that was considered a God by his people. Who was unable to save his subjects from multiple plagues brought on by the one true God, to convince him to let Gods chosen people the Israelites leave his captivity as slaves. The Israelites, Gods chosen people who watched multiple miracles to include: the parting of the red sea, the passing over of the first born child during the last plague and their freedom from slavery. He also gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments and a tabernacle so they could better understood him and fellowship with him.

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