I have had five days off from work for Easter and it has been grand. I went to the family farm was able to see my entire family. We camped out. My elderly aunt wanted to do a Easter egg hunt but some of the kids were to old so she has the older ones dress up as Zombies and chase the younger ones. The little one's loved it and it wore out all the kids before dinner and church. They were so tired the sat like angles in church. Dave gave  my mom a giant chocolate Easter bunny she smiled and immediately bit off his ears. I had a great time visiting with everyone. My sister Jen could not make it because her brother in law died. I felt bad because she was crying. I still have not heard back from my applications for job interviews. On Monday Dave took me for a long ride in the country. Spring was in the air. The flowers were blooming. There was beautiful fluffy clouds. We ended up at the beach to watch the sunset. We had Pina coladas virgin. It was a great day.

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