We had a wonderful day yesterday. We went to the museum for free and they had a IMAX movie the universe. It was unbelievable. Then we went out to eat for our friend Garth Birthday. I have been working on my spring cleaning. I also have been working on my Jewelry. I would like to start a esty shop. I have been very tired all the time I wish I had more energy. School starts next week I have overtime so I have not come close to finishing my spring cleaning I have many things to do. I have to make some priorities. I really wanted to have the house done so I could have the kids over.
 I am really concerned about the state of the world. I feel that people do not really understand what is important. I feel society is becoming to materialistic. I can't say I have not fallen for that trap at times myself. I working overtime for repairs around the house. I also want to start to increase my retirement savings. Help me Lord know what is best.

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