I went to a meeting at work yesterday and I am pretty excited about it. We are going to start a nursing shared goverence module from the ground up. I have twelve hours of overtime this week. So we contine to work on are finacial peace goals. We have payed off our credit card, cars, medical bills, all are debt except our student loans and house. We are slowly moving towards are goal. We have had a few bumps in the road. The washing machine expoded yesterday. Water went pouring all over the floor. It is thirty years old. It has a long good life. We also had a vet emergancy.So we are back to square one $1,000 emergancy fund. We also have to do a few home repairs. We went over to a few friends houses that have done major renovations on thier houses. I thought I would have a few twinges of jealousy ( I am human) what I noticed was all thier kitchens looked the same. The same fad that everyone is going through. They were all going deep in debt. We did not have the same finacial worries as them. I really love my home. I have the peace to know that I do not have all that debt to pay back. I also used a recipe to clean my tube that worked great off pintrest. The Tub was sparkling white with minimal scrubbing. The recipe is a half cup of borax, 2Tsp of dawn dish detergent, hal cup vinger. Spray on tub and shower let stand 15 min. Wipe clean.

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