Come sit awhile have a cup of coffee and study The Bible with me

The worldview of an individual is like peering into the DNA of the person. A person’s belief is who they become and how they affect the world. The belief system of a man, the Bible states, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). I inherited damaged DNA from my ancestor Adam and Eve. When I accepted the son of God, Jesus Christ as my savior, my damaged DNA was repaired and I was given eternal life. As an adopted Child of God and a citizen of a new land, I was given a great gift, with a huge responsibility. I had to learn about becoming a citizen of heaven through the Bible, as well as to tell others how to heal their failed genetic code.

On this earth, I serve God through the ministry of nursing. I have understood that healing can come to all humankind through the person of Jesus Christ. To separate my beliefs and my practice is impossible. Through my own life, I try to emulate my Heavenly Father so others will want to know about the healing I have received. The Bible tells me that God has a purpose for me and that what I do for him will not be in vain but will last forever. When I care for my patients, I am caring for God’s creation. Through even the minute details of getting someone a cup of soup, I believe I am building the kingdom of heaven.

I started licensed practical nursing school in high school. I graduated in 1993, joined the United States Army, and served for four years. I obtained the Gi bill and was able to go to school to become a registered nurse. I graduated from RN school in 2001 and I worked on a new pilot floor called acute care of the elderly. I learned a great deal and loved the position. I then married my wonderful husband David and we decided it was important for us to be closer to family. So we moved to a very rural area in Florida and I work in a very small hospital. It was a big change from living in the big city; but I am in love with it.

I have worked the last four years as the charge nurse on a telemetry floor and I am the geriatric and regulatory compliance nurse for our hospital. I am trying to obtain my BSN to become better at what I do. I believe you can never stop learning in nursing. The passion of my life is I want to become a mother to abused and neglected children. When the doctor told me, seven years ago after two miscarriages that I could never have children, I could not understand why God could let this happen. My plans included a large family. The news devastated to my husband and me. We tried to adopt but after a few failures, it proved to be financially impossible with the onset of the great recession. God was at work all along, because through the greatest pain, I have ever had my husband and I found our purpose and passion. I can honestly say God can turn all that happens bad in this life to good for those that love him. My greatest pain has become my most sacred blessing.

The study of Genesis

The Genre of the book of genesis is primarily a narrative. The theme of the book includes good and evil, Gods plan, his rules, his mercy and blessings. Genesis is the book written about the beginning of the universe and mankind. Some of the key personalities and events include the introduction of sin through the first two people Adam and Eve, and our torn relationship with our creator due to sin. It also includes a message of hope because it lays the plan to restore our relationship with God. In this book it traces the genealogy of each generation and reminds us of the curse on the death of each generation. With the character of Enoch a ray of hope is given the curse is not final. It talks about the judgment and destruction of the earth through the great flood when God regretted making mankind. It shows God’s mercy when he allowed Noah and his sons Shem, Ham, Japheth and family to survive the flood repopulate the world. It includes how different languages came into being and the first murder that was committed. It introduces the patriarchs of all mankind Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The book of Genesis is a book of Gods faithfulness and promises and how God kept them, despite mankind’s undeserving and sinning nature.

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