Christmas always come with a great deal of anticipation by all. Often in the anticipation of gifts, family time, traditions and activity we forget the reason for the day is to celebrate the birth of Christ. Each year my Aunt Linda tries to tell all the children of the family a story to remind them of how truly blessed they are for the season. This often leads to a large amount of groans and eye rolls. "Your not going to tell the same sock story again are you." They yell in protest. Many great men have given the advice that listen to the tales of your elders despite them being repeated, because to soon you will not be able to hear them anymore. She tells the story that her mother Grandma Doris gave her  twenty dollars on Christmas eve that was very hard to come by in those days to buy Christmas for the family and dinner. Many Christmas their was not money for even wood to keep them cold in the little cabin that they lived in upstate New York. She remembers when they would wake with ice on the bed clothes in the morning. She was newly married and she bought each person a gift. She bought enough food for a grand dinner and wood to warm the house for the whole next month. Her new husband found a old train set he had from his childhood and cleaned it and painted it at set it up for the next morning. They all remember the time they had together and they many wonderful blessings it was one of their most wonderful memories because they are together.


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