I have had a great season. I have been so busy since the second week of October. Dave and I made a haunted house for the hospital for sick children. Then we did the heart walk. David played Santa at the doctors office, a school for handicap children, and three people houses. We have been able to give out of 400 toys that we found on clearance over the last year we sent a total of $250.00 over the year. Many of these children would not have received Christmas. It has been a great way to tell others about the gift that God gave the world his only son Jesus to die for our sins. We have also been doing four hours of mission work every other Saturday for Vetrans. I went camping with my entire family at the farm over Thanksgiving. I had to work Christmas but,, was sent home early so I had dinner with my family. I was given more than I ever deserved for Christmas. I received pots and pan from my mother-in-law and father-in -law, two gift certificates to eat out, and a fit bit for me and my husband through my work for $15.00 dollars normally $300.00. God provide in way that I cannot express in words to have gifts for children that would have nothing for Christmas. One girl wanted a camo jacket they were $160.00 her mother could not afford it. We found it at the good will for $8.00 dollars then a women walked up to us and gave us a 25% coupon off we ended up paying $4.25 God is our great provider. Nothing could be so great as what he gave us his only son to die so that we may have life forever.
I forgot to add we went to see the Christmas carol play with us and five friends Mark, Mike, Julie, Dave , myself. We have went to waffle house twice with new friends. We have also went with  my entire extended family to little town of Bethlehem it was free. I have been able to see my brother and sister this year and my entire family went to visit them in N.Y and we were able to see Niagra falls. I am blessed beyond belief.

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